this week’s awesome finds

Spring is in the air! :D

These cook­ies are too beau­ti­ful to eat! From Flut­ter Mag­a­zine.


I must have post­ed these bun­ny nuggets before, but can’t help but have to post them again, they’re SO CUTE!! Look at their fluffy tails! By Rebec­ca Dan­ger on Rav­el­ry.


Love the tex­ture of this stitch sam­pler neck warmer, and it’s knit­ted flat! :D By Fiona Kel­ly on Rav­el­ry.


Want to hug these giant origa­mi rab­bits. From Oh Hap­py Day.


Per­fect for tran­si­tion­al weath­er. By Nic­ki Hirsch. Scroll down for Eng­lish cro­chet pattern.


These sweet flow­ers are made of nail pol­ish! Great idea for a craft par­ty don’t you think? :D From Won­der­ful DIY.


Spring chick­ens! :D From Pot­peb­bles.


A glit­ter tum­bler to bright­en up your day :D From Stu­dio DIY.


Hap­py spring! :D