

We were vis­it­ing my cousin in Ottawa, who had a baby a while ago. So, a week before we were about to leave on the trip, I was remind­ed of this adorable cup­cake granny square by Sewrel­la and I thought, I could make my cousin and her baby a blan­ket with this square!

I have nev­er made a granny square blan­ket before and have no idea how long it would take. But I thought if I use every spare moment to cro­chet I could def­i­nite­ly get it done in a week :D

And I thought I’d incor­po­rate oth­er squares that are less com­pli­cat­ed. I found this heart square pat­tern and thought it goes pret­ty well with the cupcakes.


Most of the squares were made while tak­ing the sub­way, which made my com­mute a lot more enjoyable :)

And it was done in time for our trip! :D


I joined the squares with the granny square join method also used by Sewrel­la for her awe­some bake shop blan­ket (check out her oth­er bake shop squares too! They’re very cute). I for­got to take a good mea­sure of the blan­ket before wrap­ping it up, but here’s rough­ly how big it is.


I used some scrap worsted weight yarn I already have, and Lion Brand Pound of Love, with a 5mm hook. Acrylic yarn tends to be stiff so I washed and dried it with some fab­ric soft­en­er, which real­ly helped make it feel more snuggle-able.

I hope my cousin and her sweet baby will enjoy it :)

Have a hap­py week­end, everyone!



4 thoughts on “sweetheart

  1. je suis cer­taine que cette petite cou­ver­ture plaira à sa des­ti­nataire car elle est vrai­ment ravissante.Mais dite ‑moi, Trish, com­ment faites vous pour réaliser autant d’ou­vrages superbes en si peu de temps? Je vous soupçonne de cro­cheter la nuit!!!

  2. thanks Clau­dine! yes I do cro­chet most­ly at night, and some­times when i’m com­mut­ing to and from work in the train :D

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