this week’s awesome finds

It’s March and win­ter has returned for its (hope­ful­ly) last hur­rah with much snowi­ness and bit­ter winds. So, wel­come to a very cozy episode of awe­some finds! :D

This phone case is inge­nious — you open the case by tak­ing off the hel­met, which is latched onto the but­ton nose when closed! (I don’t think Darth Vad­er would like me using the words “but­ton nose” on him. But there it is, his nose is a but­ton.) Paid pat­tern by Anna Vozi­ka on Rav­el­ry. There’s a Yoda ver­sion too!


I love kimono slip­pers, I think they’re very styl­ish. And these are very easy to knit, I just won­der where one could buy thick wool felt for the soles, if not buy­ing the felt soles from the online store. Maybe an alter­na­tive would be flip flop soles, but that’s less cozy. From Joe’s Toes


A per­fect stash-buster project with styl­ish chevrons. From Dan­de­lion Daze.


A love­ly, squishy stitch that I think would make a nice seat cov­er or a bath mat. Or a clutch with that funky neon yel­low! From Notey / Behooked Cro­chet.


Real­ly like the asym­met­ri­cal stripes on this cardi­gan. It uses thick wool and large nee­dles so it should be a quick make… Can one have too many cardi­gans? From Of Two Wands.



Did you know that sprouts could grow in a jar? Mag­i­cal! This means that win­ter does­n’t stop us from doing some kind of gar­den­ing. Not that I do any kind of gar­den­ing in the spring/summer… But this is prob­a­bly the eas­i­est, low­est main­te­nance, most kid-friend­ly kind of gar­den­ing ever. We bought a sprout­ing jar from Young Urban Farm­ers at a com­mu­ni­ty fair recent­ly, and have already har­vest­ed and enjoyed the adzu­ki sprouts! Unfor­tu­nate­ly they don’t seem to sell the sprout­ing jars online, but here’s a tuto­r­i­al on how to make your own from Pass the Pis­til. The friend­ly urban farmer at the fair did say to buy sprouts from here rather than bulk barn to get bet­ter ger­mi­na­tion rates. I also post about our sprout­ing progress on Insta­gram if you’d like to check it out! :D


Final­ly, you can cheer any­one up and chase the win­ter blahs away with this uni­corn pup­pet made with an origa­mi heart! From Wil­low Day.

Wish­ing every­one a good week filled with sim­ple joys :)