Happy Together :D

Meet Nigiri and Wasabi…

… and Piña Colada!

Hap­py Togeth­er :D

They were wed­ding presents I made for friends this spring. I can now final­ly post pic­tures of them after they have been giv­en away. They’re all fridge mag­nets. I’ve jot­ted down the pat­tern for Piña Cola­da, and will post that soon!

Wasabi and coconut were actu­al­ly inspired by Restau­rant City. It’s a Play­fish game, and I think it’s got the cutest graph­ics, espe­cial­ly the food items!

So here’s the wasabi ingre­di­ent on RC and Wasabi…

… and here’s the coconut ingre­di­ent on RC and Coconu!

By the way, I always thought coconut in Span­ish is “cola­da”, as in “Piña Cola­da”, you know? But it’s not! Coconut in Span­ish, accord­ing to Google Trans­la­tor, is “coconu”! “Cola­da” actu­al­ly means “strained”. Sil­ly me.

And on a side note, despite hav­ing a busier-than-usu­al week I’ve actu­al­ly kept to my blog­ging sched­ule, and also fin­ished a craft for myself! I’m pret­ty hap­py about that. I’ll write and post pic­tures about it lat­er, but for now I’ll show you the mess I made…

Hap­py Friday!

4 thoughts on “Happy Together :D

  1. there is one for pina cola­da, but not for nigiri and wasabi. you can find pina cola­da in the tuto­r­i­al page :D

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