Adventure in dough

Recent­ly I was giv­en a cook­ie mold with love­ly teapots in it…

… it even came with a book­let with cook­ie, salt dough and beeswax recipes… (and a pig on the cov­er, eat­ing watermelon!)

So, today I decid­ed to test out the cook­ie mold with the salt dough recipe from the booklet…

1. I mixed some cin­na­mon into the dough to give it some colour and tex­ture. Then I pressed it into the mold with the heel of my hand (as per the book­let’s instruction).

2. Dough, pressed.

3. Dough came off the mold pret­ty eas­i­ly. I cut them apart with the back of a but­ter knife.

4. I then placed them on a sil­i­con bak­ing sheet to make sure that they would­n’t stick. They were going to be tree orna­ments so I cut a small slit at the top of each with the tip of a but­ter knife for ribbon.

5. Bak­ing… at low temp. for a long, long time. (about 2 hrs. Prob­a­bly not the smartest thing to do in a small apart­ment in the mid­dle of sum­mer, but lin­ger­ing aro­ma of cin­na­mon was nice.)

6. And the moment of truth! This is the one that turned out the best, I think. I was dis­ap­point­ed that the salt in the dough seemed to have risen to the sur­face dur­ing the bak­ing process, and so now we can’t see the cin­na­mon :( I should have remem­bered this from pre­vi­ous dough craft attempts!

Sure­ly there is a way to pre­vent this salty crust from form­ing? Hmm… need to find out. But I’m going to paint this batch of orna­ments, and will keep you post­ed about how it goes!

I still have half a batch of dough left (my hand got a bit sore from press­ing dough into mold), so I think I might make some owls, like this one I made years ago…

And now, a haiku to sum­ma­rize today’s adventure:

Flour, water, salt

Where did the cin­na­mon go?

Great fun nonetheless.

6 thoughts on “Adventure in dough

  1. hmmm…would black pep­per work? but it won’t smell as nice as cinnamon…
    and i think you should take out the “and” in the first line to make a true haiku.

  2. oooh! is it because “flour” a two-syl­la­ble word?
    i’m not sure why it did­n’t work. i remem­ber mak­ing dough bun­nies long ago and they all turned out dough-like, not pale with a salty crust like this, but i don’t remem­ber what i did…

  3. There’s a great recipe for “Cin­na­mon Poman­ders” in the Brown Bag Idea Book (from the same folks who made your cook­ie mold), which isn’t like salt dough at all — it just uses cin­na­mon and apple­sauce. They repro­duce the design well, smell won­der­ful, and, as far as I can fig­ure, they last for­ev­er- LOL! I’ve had some for over 10 years. They look won­der­ful with touch­es of gold or sil­ver paint, too.

    I’ve post­ed a link to this blog on our Face­book Busi­ness page — — it’s won­der­ful for our Fans to see the things that can be done with Brown Bag (and oth­er) cook­ie molds. Thanks for shar­ing the step-by-step process. :-)

  4. I have a copy for sale in my eBay store, if you’d like to see what’s in it. (I’m not push­ing for a sale here, just that I don’t usu­al­ly see any­one list all the con­tents of this book, and I did, so you’ll have a bet­ter idea whether it’s worth it to you before you go shop­ping for it.)

    I will add one cau­tion, though. Because it uses so much cin­na­mon to make these, I always buy the cheap 88- or 99-cent ones in my local salvage/discount store. I don’t know if that’s why, or if any cin­na­mon would do it, but I did use one mold a LOT for mak­ing cin­na­mon poman­ders, and it’s slight­ly “tint­ed” red­dish brown now. And, of course, if you don’t want your hands stained, you should use gloves — LOL!

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