(last) weekend adventures!

We had an action-packed week­end last week, but our inter­net was bro­ken ear­li­er this week so I did­n’t post them until now.


Adven­ture #1: used-book­store-hop­ping with a librar­i­an friend :D (This did­n’t exact­ly hap­pen on the week­end but it was an adven­ture, so I thought the pic­ture belonged here.) Took this pic­ture with Zumi at a patio, which was just down the street from my very first apart­ment in Toronto.


Adven­ture #2: mak­ing a marsh­mal­low-cov­ered cake. I burnt the marsh­mal­low in my first attempt, but for­tu­nate­ly the cake was still good, so we replaced the burnt marsh­mal­lows with fresh ones and it was per­fect! I was rather proud of the gold­en toasty colour.

Adven­ture #3: to the Dis­tillery! I love going to the dis­tillery and walk­ing on the streets paved with red bricks and tak­ing pic­tures of old win­dows. And plus we were going there to have our annu­al birth­day din­ner with some of my favourite peo­ple :D so it was an extra excit­ing adventure!

It was real­ly fog­gy that day. This build­ing was behind us while we were wait­ing for the street car.

And we’re here! Greet­ed by an awe­some crea­ture. There’s just some­thing sad and lone­ly about him. He promised he won’t bite.


Zumi isn’t very skilled at tak­ing night pho­tos, so I switched back to my trusty pink cam­era after dark. It was still real­ly fog­gy. I real­ly like the warm orange glow of the windows.

And the trees wrapped in lights like gath­er­ings of fireflies.

So, adven­ture #2 was sup­posed to be a birth­day present for our friend Dan, who gave me a bas­ket-full of (plush) veg­eta­bles for my birth­day :D :D :D I’ve been look­ing for them for so long but they were out of stock at Ikea! Thank you, Dan! We could pre­tend we’re liv­ing in one of those old fash­ion farm­ing soci­eties where we trade cake for veg­eta­bles! :D

This week we’re going to con­tin­ue to pack, and I’m going to make some “unique tags” for “easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion” of our lug­gage (as sug­gest­ed on the air­line web­site). I also real­ized that we don’t have any prop­er lug­gage tags so I’m going to make some of those as well.

Have a great week ahead, every­one! :D