more favourite things this week!

It’s going to be a cold cou­ple of days in the neigh­bour­hood! A dear friend of mine loves to bike around the city, and even in the win­ter she tries to bike as much as she can. She told me that long arm-warm­ers are bik­ers’ best friends (beside their bikes) because they can’t real­ly wear bulky jack­ets as they bike. So this instructable reminds me of my friend. And I thought if you like to bike (or just be styl­ish) in late fall / win­ter / ear­ly spring you might like this idea too!

By Tarzioo on Instructa­bles (via Craftzine).


And for those cold morn­ings — what about some warm toasts with home­made but­ter? I can­not believe how easy (and fun!) it is to make but­ter! It’s real­ly sim­i­lar to mak­ing ice cream in a can, I think.

From Maize in Mon­tana.


Mike intro­duced me to a new favourite band this week called Sleep­ing at Last. They put out a new EP every month with gor­geous, glo­ri­ous water­colour album cov­ers (and, of course, amaz­ing music — I espe­cial­ly love their poet­ic lyrics — but I must admit that I’m more drawn to the water­colours…). Check out their lat­est cover!



Isn’t that just amaz­ing? I am par­tic­u­lar­ly in love with the Jan­u­ary cov­er because of all the rich shades of blue and the touch­es of grey. My heart just melts.

And so I did more inves­ti­gat­ing and found out the art was done by Kansas artist Geoff Ben­z­ing. I spent hours in his water­colour gallery; the night cityscapes are my favourite.

And speak­ing of music, one of my goals this year is to learn to play the ukulele. I don’t know when I’ll get one, but I heard it’s not ter­ri­bly dif­fi­cult to learn (and I do know a bit of gui­tar… like, the C chord). I think my friends’ kids and the kids at church will love it if I can play songs for them to sing and dance to.

See? Elvis played the ukulele.


Hope you’ve had a great start to the week! Hap­py Wednesday!

3 thoughts on “more favourite things this week!

  1. Oh, you will have fun with the ukulele! It’s super easy to learn and you can play a ton of songs know­ing just three chords. I used to work in the activ­i­ty dept. of a nurs­ing home and we had many a sin­ga­long with me play­ing the uke.

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