for the goat!

The kids and par­ents at church were orga­niz­ing a bake sale on Sun­day, and I said I would bring some baked goods. They were going to use the mon­ey they raise to buy a goat or chick­ens from the World Vision Gift Cat­a­logue.

I’m nev­er very good at bak­ing. The only Christ­mas bak­ing I do is mak­ing dough orna­ments. So I had no idea what to make. But then I remem­bered my new bun­ny and bird cook­ie cut­ters from Hong Kong. I bought them because I thought they’d make good orna­ments. And they came in a nifty lit­tle box, in three dif­fer­ent sizes.

And so I thought maybe I can test out my new cook­ie cut­ters and actu­al­ly use them to make some sug­ar cookies.

I used this recipe from Cana­di­an Liv­ing, and the medi­um bun­ny cook­ie cutter.

It was a pret­ty good recipe, I think, but I must have done some­thing wrong some­where in the process because the dough start­ed crum­bling. So I had to roll them out in small batch­es. But it all worked out in the end :D

Fresh baked bun­nies! :D

Toward the end the dough was real­ly crum­bling and some of the last cook­ies looked rather wrinkly and cracked after being baked, so we ate those our­selves, with some hot cocoa and marsh­mal­lows :D

I think the bun­ny cook­ies were well received (espe­cial­ly by the kids) at the bake sale. I’m glad they help to raise mon­ey for the goat and chickens. One of the best wed­ding gifts we got was a goat from the gift cat­a­logue and the bake sale was such a bril­liant idea. Every­thing was gone pret­ty quick­ly. It was rather dif­fi­cult to get through the wall of peo­ple in front of the bake sale tables to buy things, but Mike and I man­aged to get our hands on some banana muffins and mint choco­late chip cook­ies before they were gone :D

Have a hap­py Tuesday!

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