favourite things of the week! the fabric edition

The many things one can do with scrap pieces of fab­ric! I have a rather large col­lec­tion of fab­ric sam­ple that I got back in the art col­lege days, they’ve got love­ly prints and tex­ture but I nev­er know what to do with a mere 8x8 piece of test swatch. But now I think I’ve got some ideas :D

And I think this tri­an­gu­lar pouch is a great way to use fat quar­ters of fab­ric with cute prints (like from Spoon­flower!). It will make a great pen­cil case, or a clutch or wrist­let too!

Detailed tuto­r­i­al at Inno­cen­tia.


How about stiff­en­ing it and fold­ing it into box? There’s also a tuto­r­i­al on the fab­ric flower on the box.

Tuto­ri­als on stiff­en­ing fab­ric and origa­mi box on How About Orange.


When we went to Malaysia in Novem­ber we saw lots of gor­geous batik fab­ric. I would love to learn it one day, but in the mean­while, here’s a much more straight­for­ward way of mak­ing sim­ple batik, using flour! Here are batik images of bike col­laged on a pil­low — a won­der­ful idea for a group project!

Tuto­r­i­al from Se7en.


And final­ly, check out this awe­some plan­et sys­tem print! :D The fab­ric can be ordered off Spoon­flower, and design­er Mol­lie of Wild Olive shares a tuto­r­i­al on how to make it into a ban­ner. I’m SO mak­ing this for my nieces and nephews! (And I think Plu­to is sad that he’s no longer a plan­et. Poor Plu­to. You’ll always be a plan­et in my heart, does­n’t mat­ter what the new text­books say.)


Have a hap­py Thurs­day every­one! :D