favourite things of the week! special valentine edition

Valen­tine’s Day is just around the cor­ner. I’ve always seen this hol­i­day as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell those around me how spe­cial they are to me and how much I love them. So I thought it would be fun to round up some quick craft projects for any­one who’s look­ing for last minute gifts or dec­o­ra­tions to make this week­end :D And, of course, involv­ing mate­ri­als one can usu­al­ly find around the house.

Water­colour win­dow hang­ings! All you need is some cof­fee fil­ter, wash­able mark­ers and spritz of water. How fun! Use them to make bou­quets of flow­ers too!

From Aunt Peach­es.


A clever, quick, and easy print­mak­ing tech­nique involv­ing mask­ing tape, paint and Q‑tips.

From Sac­trip­pers.


I, too, would like a heart doily t‑shirt.

From The Art­ful Par­ent.


I’ve always liked the pat­terns on tis­sue boxes.

Tis­sue box pho­to hearts from Michele Made Me.


A yule log for Valen­tine’s Day? Yes please! :D

Tuto­r­i­al on Pret­ty Lit­tle Things.


Some dain­ty, ele­gant lace hearts (and scent­ed too!) made from paper doily and can­dle stubs.

Instruc­tion by Aunt Peach­es.


Cold days in Feb­ru­ary are per­fect for these love­ly ice sun catch­ers. Great if one has a col­lec­tion of pressed leaves from the fall!

From Twig and Toad­stool.


These are so amaz­ing­ly sim­ple to make and so fash­ion­able-look­ing. Not some­thing I have around the house, but I recall see­ing these rose cabo­chon at my favourite bead store — will have to make a trip there soon!

From The Craft Nest.


Now rick racks might be eas­i­er to find in craft drawers.

See how to turn rick racks to ros­es on Maize in Mon­tana.


Very, very sim­ple heart gar­lands, your choice of paper or felt.

From Craftzine.


And of course, a cro­chet heart! I’m going to make one of these to wear as a pin on the week­end :D

Pat­tern gen­er­ous­ly shared by June Gilbank of Plan­et June.


Last but not least, some red vel­vet pan­cakes to start the day, anyone?

Check out the super easy recipe on Cafe Zupas!


Have a love­ly week­end everyone!

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