go Plarny!


I spy… with my lit­tle eyes… some­thing white, with orange spots… and a long tail… and fins…

It’s my plarn bet­ta! On Instructa­bles’ home­page! :D Well, sort of. One has to go to page 2 of edi­tor’s pick in the “Liv­ing” sec­tion. But yes! Plarny is on the front page! :D

I wrote an Instructable for the plarn bet­ta main­ly because I felt bad about not con­tribut­ing any­thing since I signed up to enter the Crit­ter Con­test (for which I entered Marshie the Mon­ster­mal­low). That was about a year ago.

So I thought plarn bet­ta would be a pret­ty easy and quick Instructable to write (it’s pret­ty much the same as the blog post). Did not expect peo­ple to like it so much. It’s real­ly a rather sim­ple idea. You can vis­it Plarny on Instructa­bles here. And if you’re a “pro” mem­ber you can even down­load all the steps in one handy PDF!

Thank you for stop­ping by! And thank you so much for all your com­ments and shar­ing of cre­ative ideas for the plarn bet­ta! They real­ly made my day :D and giv­en me some ideas for what to make with plarn next… hmm.

Hap­py Tues­day everyone!