favourite things friday


Oh. My. Good­ness. This is made of duct tape. DUCT TAPE! Def­i­nite­ly my most favourite of the favourite things this week! I’ve always been intrigued by coloured duct tape and won­dered what I can use them for — now I know! Would­n’t this make an awe­some state­ment brooch? Or an embell­ish­ment for a state­ment neck­lace? Or a state­ment belt buck­le? Does­n’t mat­ter what it’s being used for, it will make a state­ment for sure. Duct tape! Bril­liant idea and tuto­r­i­al by Howjoy­ful. 


The inner crit­ic says, “aren’t you too old for mem­o­ry games?” To which I respond­ed, “nev­er! Espe­cial­ly not with these pop­si­cle print­outs.” Delight­ful pop­si­cle mem­o­ry game for down­load at Eat Drink Chic. 


Love­ly minia­ture twig chairs for minia­ture wood­land friends :D Would­n’t they look nice with a tiny twig table in a ter­rar­i­um or a pot­ted plant? How-to on One Inch World. 


Isn’t this bril­liant? Using TB tube to store cables and wires. By berserk on Instructa­bles.



A love­ly quick tee tuto­r­i­al by Noodle­head. No sleeve-set­ting, but with the appear­ance of sleeves! Love the sim­plic­i­ty of its con­struc­tion and style.


A plush and a clever stor­age idea, all in one paja­ma eater! It’s not a free pat­tern but for a small fee it’s a great way to get a new project going and sup­port a fel­low crafter. From Sew Fear­less. 


From the Martha archive, a styl­ish scarf that’s kind of cozy but not too warm for fall. It’s a good thing indeed!


I love felt flow­ers. This one has a bit of sculp­tur­al qual­i­ty to it. It would make such a nice brooch! (Yes, I do like brooches very much.) From Inkred­i­ble Stamp­ing. 


Peanut but­ter and jel­ly that’s fit for a par­ty! :D And in case of food aller­gies, per­haps cream cheese and jam would make a pret­ty good alter­na­tive? From Shine.


Some­times the sim­plest ideas are the best. Heinz ketchup ad by McCann Erick­son, via Inspire Me Now.

And that’s a wrap for this week! :D Have a great week­end, everyone!



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