moon flowers

Anoth­er piece I made at the con­fer­ence on the week­end. From a work­shop on the art of prac­tic­ing grat­i­tude. We were to make a grat­i­tude scroll or wall-hang­ing that reflects the peo­ple, events or things we’re thank­ful for. 

So this is what I made, moon flow­ers. The moon­light that nour­ish­es the flow­ers dur­ing dark times.


I took this pic­ture in the hotel lob­by, with the faux antique wall.

Here’s detail of the flowers…


I cro­cheted the cen­tre of it. The pho­to does­n’t real­ly cap­ture it but there’s actu­al­ly a tinge of red in the cen­tre of the fab­ric leaves, which goes real­ly well with the yel­low yarn I found. Did­n’t bring my hooks, but the fab­ric leaves came with stems. I removed the stem and bent it :D 


It kept snag­ging the yarn, but it worked for the most part. Just kind of inter­est­ing for me to real­ize how attached I am to cro­chet­ing and how the idea of cro­chet­ing just comes up almost auto­mat­i­cal­ly even when I’m just try­ing to paint. That tells me that I need to put an extra hook in my pen­cil case from now on so I can have it wher­ev­er I go, just in case I stum­ble across some­thing I can cro­chet! :D

And then here’s the moonlight…


I do think it was inspired part­ly by the night scene in Plants vs Zom­bies… I love the tiny mush­room that gen­er­ates light! :D

And the pol­ka dot feath­ers I found in the pile of col­lage materials…

Mak­ing things togeth­er with oth­er peo­ple is such a won­der­ful, ener­giz­ing expe­ri­ence. Did­n’t real­ize how much I missed it until I went to this work­shop, where mate­ri­als were just piled on the table and every­one work­ing hap­pi­ly along­side one anoth­er, shar­ing glue, scis­sors, laugh­ter, stories. 

I’m def­i­nite­ly grate­ful for this experience.

Have a hap­py Thurs­day, everyone!


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