weekend wonders

These pic­tures are from last week­end in Nia­gara Falls, I final­ly get around to post­ing them! :D


Saw the sun­rise as we began our journey…


Had to imme­di­ate­ly go to work­shops when we got there (I was there for an art ther­a­py con­fer­ence, you can see my work from the work­shop­s here and here). Sneaked a peek at the falls from the hotel win­dow at break.


Night out on the town. Mike calls it “Canada’s lit­tle Las Vegas”. We had fun being tourists :D


We went to the wax muse­ums. Here I am in the Boule­vard of Bro­ken Dreams (paint­ing by Got­tfried Hel­nwein), a ver­sion of Edward Hop­per’s Nighthawks.


At the Dinosaur Mini Golf (we did­n’t golf, just took pic­tures with the rap­tors — they’re rap­tors, right?). Could­n’t help but think of this when I saw them. XD


Final­ly went out for a stroll on Sat­ur­day after­noon. You can see a bit of a rain­bow in this one :D


Rain­bow! I thought this pic­ture looks like a vin­tage post­card. It was tak­en with the Zumi, as with all the oth­er pic­tures that don’t like Polaroid­s in this post. (except with the wax muse­um one. The muse­ums were too dark for the Zumi, so I took it with my pink point & shoot.)


And as we walked clos­er to the Horse­shoe Falls we saw the dou­ble rain­bows! :D That was def­i­nite­ly the high­light of the trip!


I could just watch the water falling over the edge all day. My cam­era could­n’t cap­ture this but just before it falls, the water isn’t very deep and I could see all the bril­liant emer­ald-colour algae on the rocks under­neath the water. The water was so crys­tal clear. It was such a beau­ti­ful sight.


And to top it off, Sat­ur­day was the open­ing night of the fes­ti­val of lights in Nia­gara Falls — fire­works! :D 


And we drove home under the glo­ri­ous orange sunset. 

The week­end away was real­ly a won­der­ful gift. Though I had to rush to get lots of school work done before I left it was total­ly worth it. I’ve been to Nia­gara Falls a cou­ple of times when I was a kid but I nev­er real­ly appre­ci­at­ed the gush­ing waters as much as I did this time. I just found it so mov­ing and I’m not quite sure why. I sup­pose one’s per­spec­tives change as one ages, and maybe I’ll find out why I’m so moved by it next time I visit.

Hope you’ve had a love­ly week­end, and wish­ing you a great start to the new week ahead!



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