this week’s awesome finds

Mag­no­lia nap­kin rings made from paper plates, from the always awe­some Aunt Peach­es.


Screen print­ing with embroi­dery hoop, nylons and mod podge, would real­ly love to give it a try! From Cal­i­co Skies. 


Ruched leg­gings made from t‑shirts. Looks like the tuto­r­i­al is for kids-size leg­gings, but maybe I can find an extra extra large t‑shirt in the men sec­tion and it will work for me… From Luvin the Mom­my­hood.


I once saw a shirt at a thrift store that had a piece of sad-look­ing toast on it and it said “I feel crum­by”. So regret­ting not buy­ing it! But I can now make my own crum­by toast with poly­mer clay, and also hap­py ones :D From Craft Left­overs.


Make a desk­top cal­en­dar with a cas­sette tape case! Bril­liant. From Pys­sel­bo­laget.


Also bril­liant is plas­ticine art framed in a CD case. From I Made It So.


Funky stripped socks for chairs! :D I’m think­ing they would make real­ly great house warm­ing gifts. Pat­tern on Sim­ply Notable.


It’s like my teacup mush­rooms, except with real plants! Going to make this next time I pick up some teacups from the thrift store :D From Sew Trashy.


Made from sewing two silk scarves togeth­er. Sim­ply awe­some. From Talk 2 the Trees.


Bear, made from a sock. Very neat. Spot­ted on The Meta Pic­ture.


Very sophis­ti­cat­ed-look­ing origa­mi bows. Fold­ing dia­gram via How About Orange.


Would­n’t this make an awe­some pin? :D Pat­tern is in Ital­ian but Google trans­late does a pret­ty good job. From Il blog di Lau­ra.


Have a won­der­ful Mon­day! :D



5 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Great finds! I love the knit­ty chair leg warm­ers, too cute. And love Rachel for Talk to the Trees. She always has great DIY’s.

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