shop update — the shrink plastic edition!

Shrink plas­tic is so much fun. I had long been think­ing about mak­ing some stuff with it for my shop. Final­ly got around to it :D

I like draw­ing cir­cles con­nect­ed to one anoth­er. This par­tic­u­lar shape reminds me of the abalone shells my grand­par­ents gave me when I vis­it­ed them in Hong Kong.


More neck­laces. The one on the far left was a bit of an exper­i­ment of plas­tic fus­ing. Accord­ing to the list of “Mind-shrink­ing Ideas” (that’s what it says on the pack­age of shrink plas­tic I have), I can fuse lay­ers of shrunk plas­tic togeth­er under high­er tem­per­a­ture in the oven. The round shapes are actu­al­ly cir­cles from the hole punch. 

The mid­dle one is a fire­fly that glows in the dark! :D And I’ve always been fas­ci­nat­ed by seahorses.


More glow in the dark fire­flies, aster­isks, and abalones.


Had fun com­ing up with things to draw for the stud ear­rings :D Actu­al­ly, as I’m look­ing at this pic­ture I real­ize that all of these are my favourite things… let’s hope the shop vis­i­tors like them as much as I do. And the starfish glows in the dark too!

Alright, enough of this talk about glow­ing in the dark — wan­na see them in action? :D

That’s the best my point-and-shoot cam­era can do for cap­tur­ing images in the dark, but they real­ly do glow! I was quite impressed. 

(I found out that the emis­sion of light by a liv­ing organ­ism is called bio­lu­mi­nes­cence — isn’t that such a cool word?)

Any­way. And then I thought it would be cool to make a plas­tic feath­er. Kind of like those leather feath­er ear­rings that I’ve seen a lot on craft blogs. But they turned out so much more beau­ti­ful than I thought because of the way the plas­tic twists and turns as it shrinks in the oven…

So I did what most craft sell­ers often do.

I kept it. For myself. 


The sin­gle ear­ring goes with my hair­cut :D


But of course I made anoth­er set for the shop. Even added a glit­tery but­ton stud ear­ring to make a funky asym­met­ri­cal set! :D


I’m hop­ing that this will keep the shop full for a month or two before anoth­er school break. But I’ve got to say that I real­ly, real­ly, real­ly enjoy the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make my favourite things with­out hav­ing to keep (and find place in the apart­ment for) all of it. And mak­ing a bit of mon­ey is always a bonus.


Have an awe­some evening! :D



6 thoughts on “shop update — the shrink plastic edition!

  1. Beau­ti­ful! Love the feath­ers! And the sea­horse! And the abalone! And…oh, well, ALL of it! Great job!

  2. Oooh, this is a most splen­did set! The feath­er does look awe­some with your new hair­cut :D

  3. Those are beautiful!!! :)
    I LOVE the sea­horse and the feath­er ear­rings :D As soon as I saw the feath­ers, I brought out my shink-plas­tic and made a set for myself–you are tru­ly genius!
    Your hair­cut looks gor­geous as well! :)

    God Bless!

  4. if you look on the back of plas­tic food con­tain­ers for the num­ber — if it is a num­ber (6) you can recy­cle the con­tain­er, using it just like the shrink plastic :)

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