weave party


It would be so much fun to orga­nize a weav­ing par­ty! :D

A com­ment from a blog vis­i­tor, Kate, has moti­vat­ed me to just pick up some yarn and start weav­ing. Thanks, Kate! :D

I found a paper plate and cut notch­es all around it, about 1″ apart, and then taped lengths of cot­ton string across, like so…

Here’s the back of this make-shift loom…

Then I just tied a length of yarn to one of the strings in the mid­dle and start­ed weav­ing between the strings, over and under, over and under, over and under… Until I ran out of the colour of yarn I was using, then I tied a dif­fer­ent colour of yarn to the yarn tail, and con­tin­ued weaving…

When I’ve got­ten a big enough cir­cle (I decid­ed that I want­ed to make a coast­er half way through), I cut the strings near where they’re taped to the plate, one at a time, and tied each loose end to the last round of weaved yarn.

I hid all the loose ends and yarn tails under a piece of felt, which I cut to the size of the fin­ished weav­ing and sewed onto the weav­ing around the edge.

And this is the front!

A fun par­ty coast­er :D


Did it all while watch­ing TV. Very relax­ing. I think it would so much fun to orga­nize a weav­ing par­ty, where every­one can weave and chat.

Have a great evening, everyone!




20 thoughts on “weave party

  1. Fun! Seems peo­ple I know every­where (yarn shop, inter­webs) are all weav­ing! I’m feel­ing left out! LOL

  2. That is beau­ti­ful! I think I may try out weav­ing myself now! Maybe a tiny lit­tle weav­ing with embroi­dery floss for a neck­lace pen­dant..? Thank you once again for the ever inspir­ing project ideas! :)

  3. I recent­ly bought the Martha Stew­art loom weav­ing kit. A weave par­ty would be soooo fun!!! Can I come? :D

  4. I love the idea of using a paper plate to cre­ate a loom. 

    I also think a weav­ing par­ty sounds AWESOME. Weav­ing is def­i­nite­ly the kind of thing that does­n’t take too much brain pow­er so you could real­ly have a great time with a bunch of crafty girls. :)

  5. LOL!
    Con­sid­er­ing my yarn stash, I bet­ter do some­thing with all of it! I can’t crochet/knit fast enough!

  6. When get­ting piz­za, we asked for a few extra sizes of the piz­za rounds and used those. My young sons (8 & 10) are mak­ing hand bags and “boy stuff bags” ?? lol. You can con­nect 2 or fold 1 in half and stitch togeth­er. You can fold and stitch the upper 1/8~1/4 down. in or out­side the pouch. Add a but­ton or Vel­cro dot for a sim­ple clos­er. Straps can be added using what­ev­er scraps you have. You can braid thick yarn, attach 2 loops to the back, and the kids can put their belt through them and wear it that way. They have made hats, foot warm­ers, pot hold­ers, and now are try­ing to find the best way to con­nect them togeth­er for small blan­kets for my old­er son’s twins. I love this craft, it is so easy for any age.

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