The new school term brings me to a community centre about an hour of subway-and-bus ride from my home. I’ve never been to this neighbourhood before and was a bit worried that I would get lost on my way there (I have a really bad sense of direction).
But it turned out to be the easiest bus ride ever! I take the subway to the last stop on the line, then take a bus to the last stop in its route, which also happens to be the first stop in its route, because it ends in a loop (I was kind of worried about having to find the bus that takes me back the opposite way — I really have a poor sense of direction).
So that made me really happy. But what made me happier was the discovery of public art all around the community centre! :D
People who have been there before the summer said that the rocks are not where they have been a few months ago. They have been wandering! It took a while to see all of them, scattered around the trees.
I love the idea of art that moves. Always changing. Maybe they’ll get moss and lichens on them and their surfaces will start to change too. There are many more with words on them. Like “community”, and “traditions”. There are also ones without words. And here’s a feast someone’s spreaded out for the animals! :D
And awesome mural on the walls of the community centre itself! People told me that it’s newly painted, just over the past summer.
Definitely a nice part of the journey into the new school year.
Have an awesome weekend! :D