O fir tree

O Christmas tree



A snap­shot from our Christ­mas card pro­duc­tion this year. It’s one of the few (some­times the only) art projects that Mike and I col­lab­o­rate on every year. Mike set the O’s using a design pro­gram and I print­ed the Christ­mas trees and the stars with this fun foam stamp­ing method :D

This made me curi­ous about the ori­gin of the car­ol, O Christ­mas Tree. So I looked it up, and want­ed to share with you an excerpt of it on this Christ­mas day, trans­lat­ed from the orig­i­nal Ger­man song, O Tannenbaum.

O Fir Tree, O Fir Tree,
How stead­fast are your branch­es!
Your boughs are green in sum­mer’s clime
And through the snows of win­ter­time.
O Fir Tree, O Fir Tree,
How stead­fast are your branches!

O Fir Tree, O Fir Tree,
Your boughs can teach a les­son
That con­stant faith and hope sub­lime
Lend strength and com­fort through all time.
O Fir Tree, O Fir Tree,
Your boughs can teach a lesson.


I like using the words Fir Tree instead.

May good will, faith, hope, strength, com­fort, and peace fill our hearts not only dur­ing Christ­mas but through­out every sea­son this year.

Mer­ry Christ­mas, friends!




2 thoughts on “O fir tree

  1. I was so lucky to get one of these cards. Thank you so much for includ­ing us in your craft­ing cir­cle. I’m hon­oured! Hap­py New Year to you both.

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