this week’s levitation


I’m real­ly rather proud of this one.



Inspired by this quote:
“Drink­ing a cup of tea, I stop the war.” — Stephen Levine


Photo 2013-03-27 11 28 14 PM

Test shot, but I liked how it turned out.


Photo 2013-03-27 11 31 02 PM

Dou­ble lev­i­ta­tion! Need more prac­tice, but it was fun :D



In my par­ents’ back­yard, enjoy­ing one of the first warm days of spring.



Say­ing hi to my neigh­bours in the build­ing across the street.


Float on! :D







6 thoughts on “this week’s levitation

  1. That first one is amaz­ing! Do you have dance train­ing? I was in a per­form­ing dance com­pa­ny for a while and when we did pho­to shoots, the jumps were always the hard­est to time right. You do it so naturally. :)

  2. thanks eri­ca! i’ve nev­er trained in danc­ing and i don’t ever exer­cise, i sup­pose i’m get­ting bet­ter at jump­ing on cue and mike’s good at cap­tur­ing the moment! :D

  3. You and Mike are get­ting so good at this! So flu­id and effort­less! You could put togeth­er a cool pho­to book of all these shots.

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