this week’s awesome finds

In case you’re look­ing for cos­tume ideas… for Hal­loween, or cos­tume par­ties any day :D

Spot­ted this on Make. I have a soft spot for jel­ly fish, but would­n’t you say this is the cutest ever?


Last minute dan­de­lion, cre­ative, fash­ion­able and bril­liant! From Hands Occu­pied.


This is a bit more involved, but total­ly worth the time! Espe­cial­ly with the donut hole buck­et! (we call them Tim bits around here…) From Stu­dio DIY.


This is not real­ly a cos­tume, but I love the eye ball pom poms! From Mr. Print­a­bles.


And why not dress up a cake as ramen? No joke, it’s linked to a video that shows you how to make a ramen cake. Actu­al­ly seems doable. And I love that the “broth” part of it is made out of tea jel­lo. Check it out on Kotaku!


Final­ly, Mike high­ly rec­om­mends the tea bag cos­tume (watch for it in this awe­some video!).


Have an awe­some week! :D







2 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Went to a Hal­loween par­ty last night and guess what I went as? A jel­ly­fish!!! Could­n’t believe it when I saw this post! The umbrel­la is a great idea. I used bub­ble wrap and lots of tape :-). Even won first prize :-).

  2. oh my good­ness, that’s bril­liant!!! con­grats on win­ning first prize! i wish i can see pic­tures of it! you must have looked adorable!

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