
here comes the sun

As Christ­mas approached Ontario encoun­tered a pret­ty severe ice storm. All the trees were all encased in ice overnight. They looked absolute­ly mag­i­cal, but weight of the ice also caused the branch­es to snap and fall, car­ry­ing pow­er lines with them, and thou­sands were left with­out pow­er for days. The pow­er in our build­ing was down, but we were blessed with friends who opened their home (and cup­board full of tea!) to us and fam­i­ly we could stay with. 

Still we stayed a day in the apart­ment with­out light and heat (how I took these lux­u­ries for grant­ed when I had them!). The sky was also very grey that day, and as the day began to grow dark at 3:30 in the after­noon I was start­ing to get this feel­ing that the pow­er out­age sit­u­a­tion was­n’t going to end. When we left our apart­ment to stay with my fam­i­ly and Mike’s fam­i­ly for the hol­i­days our build­ing’s pow­er and water sup­ply was still down. They were stay­ing on the news that the pow­er may not be restored for every­one before Christ­mas. Here’s hop­ing that every­one will be warm and safe over the holidays.

When we arrived at my par­ents’ today the sun shone through the clouds as it was set­ting. The ice on the tree branch­es start­ed to melt and was sparkling like jew­els. It remind­ed me of the words from this song by Relient K, which was also the theme song for the movie The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

It’s always win­ter but nev­er Christ­mas
It seems this curse just can’t be lift­ed
Yet in the midst of all this ice and snow
Our hearts stay warm cause they are filled with hope

And every­thing it changed overnight
This dying world you brought it back to life
And deep inside I felt things
Shift­ing every­thing was melt­ing
Away oh away
And you gave us the most beau­ti­ful of days

Cause when it’s always win­ter but nev­er Christ­mas
Some­times it feels like you’re not with us
But deep inside our hearts we know
That you are here and we will not lose hope


Wish­ing every­one a mer­ry Christ­mas and a new year filled with joy, peace, love, and hope.



5 thoughts on “hope

  1. What a great photo!

    We nev­er get ice storms like that, thank good­ness, but we have had some very strong winds and rain over the Christ­mas time.

    I hope you had a love­ly time with fam­i­ly and friends and I look for­ward to more won­der­ful ideas on your site.

    Hap­py New Year,

  2. That’s a beau­ti­ful photo!
    I’m glad you’ve had friends and fam­i­ly to vis­it with while you’re with­out pow­er. Hope­ful­ly by now you’re liv­ing with elec­tric­i­ty again!
    Be safe!

  3. yup! pow­er is back, now clean­ing out fridge and con­tem­plat­ing how much we should stock up on food in case this hap­pens again… but all the more grate­ful for elec­tric­i­ty and water nonetheless!

  4. Ugh. Noth­ing worse than a fridge full of rot­ten food. :( Sev­er­al years ago, we had a hor­ri­ble sum­mer storm that knocked out pow­er for 10 days. Luck­i­ly, mine was­n’t affect­ed, but my par­ents were dis­placed for 10 full days. Awful.

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