trip to the aquarium

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For months I have been star­ing at this poster while wait­ing for the train. 

And final­ly, we were there! :D


Hel­lo, friend­ly-look­ing turtle!

Yes, this is the new aquar­i­um in Toron­to. I love sea crea­tures. I’m not sure what I think about aquar­i­ums, zoos, and ani­mals in cap­tiv­i­ty. But I’m hap­py to be able to see the sea crea­tures that I would nev­er be able to see in per­son oth­er­wise, and I hope that they’re being well tak­en care of.

This reminds me of the kodama (for­est spir­its) in Princess Mononoke.


 Fash­ion­able rays sport­ing pol­ka dots.


And glit­tery piranhas. IMG_1492

Sea drag­on dance.


 Sharks swim­ming overhead!


And the reef exhib­it reminds me of the crys­tal palace in Jour­ney to the West (pop­u­lar Chi­nese sto­ry about a mon­key king) where the drag­on king lives. It is so very magical.

crystal palace

The part I was most look­ing for­ward to was the jel­ly fish tank. It was hard to take good pic­tures of, but so mesmerizing…



Wish­ing you a great start to the week! 




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