moss & ferns

moss and ferns

 This was the knit­ting project I men­tioned a cou­ple of posts ago :D It’s a Lion Brand pat­tern. The lace pat­tern was a bit con­fus­ing at first and I had to take it apart a cou­ple of times. Thank­ful­ly no stitch­es were lost (I think), and after 2 weeks of knit­ting I pret­ty much got the pat­tern mem­o­rized so it got a lot eas­i­er after that. Just two rec­tan­gles with a bit of neck shap­ing. The col­lar turned out a bit small­er than I thought, so I just cro­cheted 1 round of sin­gle cro­chet to fin­ish it off rather than doing the 3 rounds of k1 p1 rib­bing as instruct­ed. A bit big on me all around but I like that it’s long.

I real­ly like the tex­ture of the moss stitch. I think I’m going to try to make up a sweater pat­tern with moss stitch, bulky yarn and 10 mm nee­dles. We’ll see.

Have a hap­py Wednesday!


2 thoughts on “moss & ferns

  1. Well done,Trish, I only under-take small projects so as to fin­ish quickly!
    It looks real­ly love­ly on you.

  2. thanks sheila! i most­ly do small projects as well. this one took me a long time — almost gave up! but glad i did­n’t :D

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