
Took a week­end tour of Ontar­i­o’s heart­land last week. There are many fun things to see and do just a cou­ple of hours of car-ride away.

Our first stop was the Per­son­al Com­put­er Muse­um in Brantford. I remem­ber these when they first came out…


We stayed at a bed and break­fast in Hick­son. The own­ers con­vert­ed the silo on their farm into an obser­va­to­ry. Ger­ald even gave us a per­son­al tour of the obser­va­to­ry, explain­ing how it worked and everything.


At the b & b also lives a very affec­tion­ate cat named Paris. I love this pic­ture of me and Paris.


We made a quick stop in Strat­ford, known for its fes­ti­val of Shake­speare­an plays (and now Justin Bieber). There’s a love­ly Shake­speare­an gar­den, but we were a bit too ear­ly in the sea­son to see full blooms.


The next day we went to Lon­don to vis­it the Muse­um of Ontario Archae­ol­o­gy. It’s built on the land where an Attawan­daron Iro­quois vil­lage once stood 500 years ago, and so there is a repli­ca of a long­house, made of tree branch­es and tree barks.


There’s also an repli­ca of a dig site. I’ve always dreamed of becom­ing an archaeologist…


Then we went to Wood­stock, the “dairy cap­i­tal of Cana­da”, and vis­it­ed the mon­u­ment of Spring­bank Snow Count­ess, a record-set­ting milk pro­duc­ing cow.

snow countess

It’s not a road trip with­out road­side ice cream, espe­cial­ly in the dairy cap­i­tal of Canada.


Final­ly, we vis­it­ed the Cheese and Agri­cul­ture Muse­um in Inger­soll, with an inter­est­ing repli­ca of a cheese fac­to­ry. Here I was in the cur­ing room with a repli­ca of fin­ished cheese.


There was also a one-room school house and a dis­play of school sup­plies. I espe­cial­ly like this pen­cil box, with a built-in ruler. I would bring it to school any day.

ingersoll 2


Wish­ing you a week of delight­ful adven­tures near or far!



2 thoughts on “heartland

  1. Great pho­tos Trish, looks like a great trip. I had pen­cil box­es like those when I was in pri­ma­ry school!
    Sheila x

  2. thanks Sheila! Mike took half of the pho­tos so i can’t take all the cred­it :D i wish they still make this kind of pen­cil boxes…

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