
Photo 2015-05-24, 7 51 15 PM

Made these 3 ami­gos for my shop :)

Photo 2015-06-06, 4 04 13 PM

Found the bees’ old home at my par­ents’ old home. Mes­mer­ized by its per­fect symmetry.

Photo 2015-06-07, 5 43 02 PM

Have always want­ed a fern like this, final­ly spot­ted it at a T & T Super­mar­ket the oth­er day. I love its soft­ness, such a gen­tle plant. I repot­ted it today with a lay­er of shells under­neath for drainage. I was going to use peb­bles but could only find bags of shells at the dol­lar store. Hope it does well!

And final­ly, I can show you the coolest sou­venir ever from Mon­tre­al’s Mycobou­tique, since I’ve now giv­en it to my sis­ter (and of course I bought myself one too :D)

Photo 2015-05-19, 10 23 11 PM

A mush­room night­light! Like those bio­lu­mi­nes­cent mush­rooms :D The mid­dle mush­room actu­al­ly changes colours con­tin­u­ous­ly. It makes me so hap­py look­ing at it :D

Hope every­one has a won­der­ful week!

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