from the deep, dark sea…

Have been neglect­ing my shop for a while (it’s a rent­ed cub­by in my friend’s gift shop). It was sparse and piti­ful-look­ing when I went in to look for a greet­ing card ear­li­er this week :’( So I plunked myself down in my stu­dio (aka couch and cof­fee table) this week­end, and came up with these –

A fam­i­ly of deep sea crea­tures :D

Photo 2015-08-30, 6 59 41 PM

Close-up of “Inky and the Moon” — moon­stone and cro­cheted squid.

Photo 2015-08-30, 6 56 16 PM

I also like to spend a lot of time writ­ing and draw­ing the pack­ag­ing. I hope the cus­tomers find them as amus­ing as I do… (Mike walked by when I was work­ing on the cyclops and he com­ment­ed, “he’s watch­ing you!”, hence the tagline. We’re a great team :D)

Photo 2015-08-30, 6 34 26 PM

I’m actu­al­ly ter­ri­fied of deep water, and can­not swim to save my own life, but I’m strange­ly attract­ed to sea-relat­ed things… I have more ideas swim­ming in my head (haha) for sea crea­ture brooches and such, look­ing for­ward to mak­ing them in the upcom­ing week­ends (or maybe even dur­ing the week if I can con­jure up the energy)!

Hope you have a fan­tas­tic week!



8 thoughts on “from the deep, dark sea…

  1. I love these Trish! The “Inky and the Moon” in par­tic­u­lar is my favourite :) I think some jel­ly­fish ones would be amazing!

  2. Trish, these are ever so cute! Good design­ing you’re clever. Hey, I have the same stu­dio plus my easy chair and often has to be my tiny kitchen’s counter as that is where the best light are and water for paint­ing. Sor­ry I haven’t been com­ment­ing when I’ve enjoyed all your posts. You’re a spe­cial person!

  3. will you be sell­ing the sea crea­tures with “the writ­ing and draw­ing the pack­ag­ing” (as in the pho­to of the octo­pus, cyclops octo­pus and cyclops squid) in your ETSY shop?

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