water’s edge, now in dutch! :D

Saw lots of vis­i­tors to the Water’s Edge pat­tern yes­ter­day, thanks so much for vis­it­ing! Did you know that the pat­tern is now also in Dutch? :D Thanks to a very gen­er­ous blog read­er, Lisa, who trans­lat­ed it. This is the first time my pat­tern is avail­able in anoth­er lan­guage :D You can see the pat­tern in Dutch here on Haak Infor­matie.

Hap­py weekend!


8 thoughts on “water’s edge, now in dutch! :D

  1. It would be great to see a fash­ion show of each years cloth­ing cre­ations. Like a cul­mi­nat­ing event of the sea­son’s fash­ions that you cre­ate. I am always inspired by your blog!

  2. what a pret­ty sweater…I do go to Rav­el­ry to find your pat­tern for this sweater?…

  3. Quel joli pull! les couleurs sont superbes. J’ai trou­vé les expli­ca­tions sur votre blog et je me lancerais bien pour en faire un, mais je suis loin d’être aus­si menue que vous! est-ce facile de mod­i­fi­er la taille? en tout cas, félicitations pour avoir crée ce très joli modèle.

  4. thanks so much Clau­dine! I’ve includ­ed expla­na­tion on how to adjust the size in the pat­tern blog post itself, and in the com­ments sec­tion, but feel free to drop me a note if you have any fur­ther ques­tions! Hap­py cro­chet­ing! :D

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