
First sweater project of the year is from a gor­geous pat­tern in Learn to Cro­chet Love to Cro­chet by Anna Wilkin­son. The patch­work pat­tern was a lot of fun to make, and it reminds me of the diverse foliage in the forest.

I made the ribbed bands using sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es in back loops, because I had a lack of patience for slip stitch­es :S But I’m hap­py with how it turned out :)

Also! This is made with yarn I bought in Hong Kong! It’s real­ly just acrylic DK yarn made it Europe I think, and it was on sale, so I bought a sweater quan­ti­ty. So glad that it’s put to good use :D

AND! Did you notice the new design of this space? :D Mike kind­ly did an update! It’s not very dif­fer­ent, because I want­ed it to still feel like home, but just more con­tem­po­rary and less late 90s blog-like, so it’s like a reno to the bath­room or kitchen and some recon­fig­u­ra­tions of fur­ni­ture. And I think the result is per­fect :) and it’s respon­sive! (that’s a new word I learned :D it means that the lay­out adapts to the mobile devices so it’s easy to read on any device) 

Here’s a great start to a crafty year! Look­ing for­ward to shar­ing more crafty adven­tures with you. Cheers! 

4 thoughts on “forest

  1. Tout sim­ple­ment mag­nifique! et il vous sied à la per­fec­tion. Bra­vo pour ce très bel ouvrage.La nou­velle présentation de votre blog est très agréable et mod­erne, j’ai juste eu un instant d’hésitation, je ne trou­vais plus l’emplacement pour les commentaires!!

  2. Thank you Clau­dine! And thanks for men­tion­ing about the com­ment area, I’ll ask Mike to try and make it more visible!

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