this week’s awesome finds

Awe­some cat purse from Tapes­try Cro­chet :D


Sim­ple and beau­ti­ful coast­ers from Sug­ar & Charm.


These waf­fle stitch wash cloths is such a bril­liant idea :D Pat­tern by Chip Flo­ry on Rav­el­ry, super cute waf­fles pic­tured by Rav­el­er Star­bugHay­ley.


I might just try mak­ing these clever Morse Code bracelets! From Lime Riot.


A cro­chet ver­sion of the pol­ka dot hats that I real­ly like :) from Whis­tle & Ivy.


Adorable cat socks from Geena Gar­cia on Rav­el­ry.


Very styl­ish blan­ket sweater from Mama in a Stitch.


This would be nice for Mike :D by Schachen­mayr on Rav­el­ry.


Also want to use my pink yarn for this sweet sweater! I do love garter stitch. From Johan­na Knits.


More sweet­ness! Recipe for ani­mal cook­ie-shaped marsh­mal­lows, from Stu­dio DIY.


Cozy piz­za par­ty :D Piz­za snug­gies from Yarn­spi­ra­tions.


Have a fan­tas­tic crafty week, every­one! :D



4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. je suis totale­ment con­quise par les chaus­settes et la pochette aux chats! Quant à la lavette en forme de gaufre:super accrochée dans la cuisine!

  2. Such cute finds! I like the Morse code bracelets and the blan­ket sweater would be per­fect for round the camp­fire. If you fig­ure out the bracelets, let us know. I’d like to have one with my fam­i­ly’s names.

  3. Thanks Pam! Will def­i­nite­ly post about it when I make the bracelet — I think I actu­al­ly have all the sup­plies on hand! :D

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