all was well

This week’s quick make! :D

I had quite a bit of left­over untwist­ed mul­ti-colour yarn left from the pink fish­er­man hat project, I thought it would make a great colour block cowl! Also a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to try the no purl rib pat­tern from Purl Soho, which I have been eye­ing for some time :D

I used 10 mm straight nee­dles, cast on 27 stitch­es, used 2 strands of bulky weight yarn held togeth­er for the grey part, knit­ted till the piece was about 45″ long, then sewed the ends togeth­er to make a cowl. Here’s a bet­ter look at the mag­i­cal­ly made ribbed tex­ture, with no purl­ing involved! 

It is very thick and warm :)

Speak­ing of warm scarves and hats, I’ve just dis­cov­ered that there’s a knit/cro­chet-togeth­er event in the city next Sun­day! If you’re in the city, maybe con­sid­er join­ing me to knit for those who can use some hand­made warmth this win­ter? Warm­ing Toron­to Knit­ting Day is hap­pen­ing next Sun­day Feb. 26, 12:30–6pm at the Impe­r­i­al Pub (Dundas/Yonge). I’ve start­ed anoth­er fish­er­man rib hat for the event!

And of course you notice the rad t‑shirt I’m wear­ing in the first pho­to? :D 

Mike and I final­ly vis­it­ed the Lock­hart, a Har­ry Pot­ter themed bar in the west end of Toron­to, for brunch!

The food was mar­velous and quite afford­able. The Bet­ter Beer (a but­ter beer in my book :D) does not disappoint!

High­ly rec­om­mend if you’re in the neigh­bour­hood, espe­cial­ly if you’ve enjoyed the Har­ry Pot­ter series. (con­fes­sion: I’ve actu­al­ly not read the books, but quite enjoyed the movies! Maybe I’ll read the books one day…)

Wish­ing every­one a love­ly week­end! :D


4 thoughts on “all was well

  1. Ce joli col sem­ble très con­fort­able et il va faire un bel ensem­ble avec le bon­net. En ce qui con­cerne Har­ry Pot­ter, j’ai lu et même relu avec beau­coup de plaisir la série de livres. C’est très bien écrit et celà met bien en valeur les notions de cama­raderie, d’en­traide, et le sens du bien. Les films complètent bien les livres, ils per­me­t­tent de met­tre un vis­age sur les per­son­nages (je trou­ve les acteurs très bien choi­sis) et les décors et effets spéciaux sont superbes. Les livres pour leur part, con­ti­en­nent plus de détails et d’ac­tions sec­ondaires, donc, films +livres: de très bons moments! en revanche, je n’ai pas beau­coup aimé le dernier livre sor­ti tout récemment sous forme de pièce de théâtre.Il n’a pas été écrit par JK Rowl­ing, on n’y retrou­ve pas son style et l’in­trigue m’a semblée “brouillonne”.Oups, par­don pour ce long com­men­taire, j’ai pris plaisir à papot­er avec vous.

  2. Ooh are you going to the Warm­ing Toron­to event? I’m plan­ning on going with some friends (:
    Also if you enjoyed the movies, Toron­to Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra is show­ing the first movie and play­ing the sound­track along­side at the Sony Cen­tre in June

  3. Yes I will be there! Maybe we’ll run into each oth­er! :D And thanks for the info about the Har­ry Pot­ter movie, I’ll check it out!

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