Mudpie breaking out of the bubble!!!


My slideshow and crit­ter con­test entry “Hap­py Togeth­er” is fea­tured on Instructa­bles!!! :D I’m so hap­py I might burst!!!

I was­n’t going to post about Hap­py Togeth­er because… well, it’s a secret. But I real­ize I need to post this now before they rotate my slideshow out of their list of fea­tured items!

So if you vis­it in the next few days you can see Hap­py Togeth­er in the front page (!!!), the Liv­ing sec­tion, and the Cro­chet sec­tion :D

Hap­py Togeth­er deserves its own post, and I will write a more detailed post when it’s safe to do so…

So hap­py… sniff… tears…

The crit­ter con­test is one of my attempts to try to par­tic­i­pate more in the craft­ing com­mu­ni­ty. I start­ed to read lots of craft blogs recent­ly and real­ized that I’m miss­ing out on so much fun and real­ly lack­ing moti­va­tion when I just make stuff in my own bub­ble. It is a bit of a risk, because what if peo­ple see the stuff I make and think they’re sil­ly or ugly or some­thing? But the encour­age­ment from friends and fam­i­ly cer­tain­ly helped me take that step, and so far I’ve met quite a few nice and encour­ag­ing peo­ple on the web and it’s been so much fun!

Any­ways, anoth­er thing I par­tic­i­pat­ed in was Leethal’s Sat­ur­day Make-Along. You can see the Sat­ur­day Make-along results on her blog post (look for gen­uine mud­pie!). It’s real­ly cool to see what every­one made and I’m so thank­ful for all the work the host has done to put the whole event together!

I’ve also post­ed the pat­tern for Saku­ra Mochi on Rav­el­ry — my first time writ­ing a pat­tern! It’s a real­ly sim­ple and straight­for­ward test-run, but it’s a rather mag­i­cal feel­ing when I see some­one makes the pat­tern and post a pic­ture of it… it’s like Saku­ra Mochi is able to spread the joy of cro­chet­ing somehow…

And I’m always thank­ful for your visits :)

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