Point & Shoot Wednesday

Final­ly! Pic­tures from last Sat­ur­day’s cher­ry blos­som festival!

There isn’t real­ly an offi­cial fes­ti­val in the city, I don’t think, thought I might be wrong… either way, I just like to call it a fes­ti­val, because it’s such a great cel­e­bra­tion of spring! Even though it was a rather cold day there were still quite a few peo­ple at the park. Lots of cheer­ful­ness and excite­ment despite the grey sky and raindrops!

Tree hugs!

This is what I would see with­out my glass­es… makes an inter­est­ing pic­ture actu­al­ly. I’ve been tak­ing more of these blur­ry pic­tures late­ly. Patch­es of light and colour, soft edges blend­ing into one another.

I think the flower buds look like saku­ra mochi :D

The tra­di­tion of hana­mi (cher­ry blos­som view­ing) involves eat­ing sushi and drink­ing sake under the cher­ry trees. I thought about pack­ing a pic­nic as well, but it was too cold so we vis­it­ed the cafe in the park instead. I did bring along a cro­cheted saku­ra mochi though :D

I was amazed to see blos­soms grow­ing out of the tree trunk.

Hel­lo friend! :D

Uh… hel­lo, friend.

It was such a mag­i­cal time; I was sad to leave at the end… but I’m sure we’ll be back next year though!

Enjoy the spring flow­ers in your neighbourhood!