
Have been think­ing about refash­ion­ing an old shirt for a while. And also try­ing to make those love­ly fab­ric flow­ers that I’ve seen on t‑shirts at H&M. And so I did on my day off yes­ter­day :D

I cut off the sleeves, as well as the col­lar, and then zigzaged around all the raw edges on the sewing machine. It kind of cre­ates a ruffly effect.

I chose to use the zigzag stitch main­ly because I don’t sew a lot and I don’t know how to machine-sew t‑shirt mate­r­i­al with­out stretch­ing it out of shape (I think I have to change the foot, but I don’t know if I have the right foot. I ought to find out some­times…). So I don’t both­er keep­ing it in shape and stretch out the edges even more with the zigzag stitch.

And then I cut up the sleeves, and fol­lowed this tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing a fab­ric flower col­lar. Here I am cut­ting out flower shapes by hand again, but just free-hand­ed this time, since the pieces will be bunched up anyway.

And again, the sad pile of cast-offs…

Bunch­ing up…

… and stitch­ing on…

And then it was done!

The neck­line end­ed up being rather low… but oth­er than that I’m hap­py with it :D It remind­ed me of hydrangeas. It’s nice to have a sleeve­less top for the upcom­ing hot and dry sum­mer… actu­al­ly, the heat is already upon us :S

I also thought it would look nice with a high-waist­ed puffy skirt (par­don my make-shift ter­mi­nolo­gies here, I’m not very famil­iar with the fash­ion world), like this miniskirt I saw on Craftzine the oth­er day by Tina Sparkles. It’s a free tuto­r­i­al too! So that would be anoth­er project. Except I would prob­a­bly make it a bit longer so I won’t have to wear leg­gings because it’s so warm out­side… I also came across Tina Sparkles’ new book, Lit­tle Green Dress. It looks so incred­i­ble and it’s on my wish list amongst oth­er craft books I want to get :D

Hope your week­end is great!

5 thoughts on “Hydrangea

  1. oooh.…it actu­al­ly looks quite nice with the skirt you were wear­ing already :)

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