
Cel­e­brat­ing our third anniver­sary today (yay!), I thought I would share some of the crafty moments of our wedding…

Cro­cheted cor­sages! On the left is a pic­ture my mom took, show­ing how they were worn with lime green rib­bons (note the date stamp :D).

And the bead-and-wire bou­ton­nieres with fab­ric leaves… I got the idea from an issue of Martha Stew­art Wed­ding. I was look­ing to link the arti­cle on her web­site, in case any­one wants to use it, but I can’t seem to find it any­where. I believe Mike still has his bou­ton­niere, which is the one on the left with the pearls (I wore a pearl necklace).

The biggest craft project in the wed­ding was the top part of the dress. Don’t get me start­ed on all the ordeals my mom and I went through try­ing to find a top that fits! (The skirt was no prob­lem though, just need­ed to be short­ened. I got it from The Bride’s Project, an orga­ni­za­tion I would high­ly rec­om­mend to any bride-to-be!) So even­tu­al­ly I just gave up and cro­cheted it, with a cream-colour cot­ton thread. It has pearl but­tons on the back, and a sheer rib­bon weaved around and tied at the back. I fol­lowed a pat­tern from an issue of Cro­chet Today, but again, I can’t seem to find it on the web­site anymore…

Every­day I feel so very blessed to be mar­ried to the most won­der­ful, cre­ative, patient, sup­port­ive, and kind­heart­ed man. Look­ing for­ward to many many more years togeth­er! :D

One thought on “Three!

  1. Hi Trish
    Thanks for the wed­ding reminders. It was a per­fect day for a per­fect cou­ple. I still have my cor­sage and John’s boutonniere.

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