Adventure in dough, part 2!

The salt dough orna­ments are all paint­ed! :D

I paint­ed them with water­colour, fol­lowed by 2 coats of gloss acrylic var­nish. Despite the nasty smell of acrylic var­nish while they were being paint­ed, they actu­al­ly still smelled pret­ty much like cin­na­mon and not very much like acrylic after the var­nish was dried. I’m glad! :D

This one is my favourite. Just a very sub­tle blue.

Before I paint­ed them I kind of pic­tured them in porce­lain blue (that’s why I used water­colour), so I paint­ed sev­er­al like that.

I was going to paint all of them blue, but then I fig­ured since I got all my colours out I might as well see how they look with yel­low and pink…

The sur­face start­ed to crack a bit after the var­nish was dried (you might see it if you look close­ly), but I don’t think it’s a big deal.

I’m actu­al­ly quite hap­py with how they turned out, and I quite enjoyed paint­ing them! So I think I might make more of these orna­ments with the left­over dough instead of mak­ing owls. I can always make anoth­er batch of dough to make owls.

Have a great week­end! :D

5 thoughts on “Adventure in dough, part 2!

  1. Trish- hope you don’t mind — I’ve added links to these two blog posts on my Face­book busi­ness page (Vic­To­ry Farm Designs. My fans always love to see what can be done with Brown Bag (and oth­er) cook­ie molds! :-)


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