A last-minute shop update

Made a few more things for the shop, but they will only be around for a cou­ple of days before I close the shop for 3 weeks on Sun­day! (I’ll be trav­el­ling to Hong Kong) Since the shop will be closed for most of Novem­ber, I made these with “hol­i­day cheers” in mind, in case any­one wants to make ear­ly orders for Christmas…

Meet Snow Mush­room! :D

So, when I make some­thing there’s often a sto­ry run­ning in the back of my head. It’s total­ly imag­i­nary, but the Snow Mush­rooms are called the Snow Mush­rooms because they’re sup­posed to be wood­land crea­tures that appear on snow days to spread hol­i­day cheers with their spark­ly caps. Yes. Snow mush­rooms also like to hang out in a group of 3…

Along with a delight­ful s’more, with rosy cheeks! :D S’more does­n’t real­ly have a sto­ry to tell. He thinks just being cute is enough. Period.

Feel free to vis­it them at the shop before they tem­porar­i­ly retire on Sun­day Octo­ber 31! But don’t wor­ry, they’ll be back on Mon­day Novem­ber 29.


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