favourite things of the week — accessorize!

That was the fash­ion tip a dear friend gave me. Except that my idea of acces­soriz­ing appeared to be quite dif­fer­ent from hers… I think we’ve agreed to dis­agree, as we have been since high school (that, or she’s giv­en up on me after all these years :/).

But I still love her to pieces anyway :)
(And I promise not to wear any of the below to a job interview!)

So, any­way, today I brought you some cool acces­sories that one can make!


Scarf repur­posed from cool graph­ic tees! I love that it uses a #10 enve­lope as tem­plate, because I don’t like measuring :/
Tuto­r­i­al at Just Some­thing I Made.


How love­ly are these? Just strings and paper­clips. I love the sim­plic­i­ty, and I espe­cial­ly love the yel­low pair. Tuto­r­i­al by Evie S.


But­tons one can spell words with! Bril­liant. I know I have some Fimo hid­ing some­where in the craft draw­er… Tuto­r­i­al at Design*Sponge.


I bor­rowed the cable nee­dles from my mom so I can make this! I don’t look good with bar­rettes so I’m going to wear it as a pin. Pat­tern by Ysol­da.


Acces­so­ry per­fect for the night owl, I think. To live noc­tur­nal­ly one needs all the sleep one can get dur­ing the day, but it can be dif­fi­cult to fall asleep with all that day­light. So I would high­ly rec­om­mend the owl eye mask. Pat­tern on Roman Sock.


And final­ly, acces­sorize the lol­lipops! With these cute super­hero print­a­bles on Zak­ka Life! They are designed for V‑Day but with a few tweaks I’m sure they will be a hit at par­ties for all occa­sions and all ages.


So, put on your favourite acces­sories and have your­self a great Mon­day, friends! :D

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