weekend wonders

These are actu­al­ly from the past few week­ends. The city is look­ing fes­tive! :D

Two weeks ago we wan­dered past Camp­bell House Muse­um and it hap­pened to be free-entry day! Have been want­i­ng to vis­it for a long time.


There were love­ly cloved oranges in bowls around the house…


Tea dis­penser! Would­n’t it be great if I have one of these at home…


Com­mu­ni­ty Christ­mas ban­quet at church. Some­one brought a smi­ley face cheese cake ^_^


This past week­end was the week­end of craft shows! I missed my annu­al trip to the One of a Kind show because of school work *grum­ble*, but found out about City of Craft, and it was WAY more fun. Check out the pom pom gar­lands! The ven­dors were all amaz­ing. Bought a super awe­some print from Jacob Rolfe and a mag­i­cal glass pen­dant (it deserves a post of its own — stay tuned!), and I even won one of the top door prizes! Will def­i­nite­ly remem­ber this for next year.


Wan­dered pass White Squir­rel Way :D Think­ing of Al McFluffy­tail


Best Christ­mas win­dow dis­play ever! Out­side Mag­ic Pony. Note the plush Totoros! :D (My face was kind of frozen though. It was a rather cold day…)


Also vis­it­ed the Wych­wood Barns for the hol­i­day art mar­ket (it used to be a street­car barn before turn­ing into a com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre for stu­dios, gal­leries and offices). Love the rain­bow chim­ney, reminds me of Nyan Cat (by the way, have you seen the Nyan Cat­bus? :D)


It also has nice giant num­bers, which Mike would real­ly like, but he was­n’t there with me, so I took a pho­to for him.


Mike’s office had a cook­ie con­test and he signed up to be a judge, and he brought home all the cook­ies he tast­ed (so they all had a cor­ner cut off for the tasting)! 



Have a sweet week­end, friends!