this week’s awesome finds

A large hook project! :D Pat­tern for granny square shrug by Kootoy­oo. I love the pink ver­sion by Thorn­ber­ry too!


Love jel­ly fish — love these lamps! Spot­ted on Inspire Me Now.


Make beau­ti­ful vin­tage prints by print­ing on mul­ber­ry paper. How-to from Pho­to­jo­jo.


It’s almost spring! Time to think about mak­ing some sum­mer shirts. Real­ly like how flowy this looks! A trip to the fab­ric shop as soon as school is out! How-to for cir­cle knit top on Hon­est to Nod.


I’d also like to be able to sew my own leg­gings. How-to on the Etsy blog.


Maybe I can make this with t‑shirts! How-to on Made it on Mon­day.


For a tea par­ty! Prob­a­bly the pret­ti­est par­ty hats I’ve seen. From Oh Hap­py Day.


Spot­ted these on my friend’s Face­book wall! :D Totoro cake pops — aren’t they the cutest? From Cutest Food (only a pho­to though, but if one knows how to make cake pops one could maybe fig­ure out how to make them?).


Origa­mi koi, spot­ted on Jour­ney into Unschool­ing. Fol­low the link on the post to the instruc­tion video!


Always love nature-inspired jew­el­ry. How-to for these awe­some gold twig ban­gles on A Pair and a Spare.


I real­ly like the con­struc­tion of this cro­cheted star. Pat­tern on Wind Rose Fiber Stu­dio. 


And final­ly, THE cutest cat paper craft! Print and make your own cat in a box! From Tub­by­paws. There’s a ridicu­lous­ly cute video on how to make it too! XD


Wish­ing you an awe­some start to the week!


4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Cool projects, as always :-). I start­ed work­ing on that granny square shrug a l.o.n.g time ago; need to get back to it!

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