anniversary village tour :D

 Our wed­ding anniver­sary hap­pens to fall on a Sat­ur­day this year. To cel­e­brate, we toured Black Creek Pio­neer Vil­lage. It’s kind of like get­ting out of the city, and trav­el­ling to anoth­er time, even, while still being in the city and being able to go home for din­ner :D 

 Dogs con­tributes to the fam­i­ly’s liveli­hood too. They run in the wheel and churn butter. 


 At the same time, these sheep…


… they pro­duce wool for dye­ing and spin­ning. This skein was dyed with onion skin.


The friend­ly docent said that they don’t add oth­er things to fix the dye. Just boil it for a long time over the fire.


Final­ly under­stand what card­ing means…


In anoth­er house, a docent is get­ting the oven ready to bake some lemon bis­cuits. I real­ized that the docents weren’t pre­tend­ing. They car­ry out chores and work in the vil­lage as though they were liv­ing there, and they chat with vis­i­tors as they come. Many things they make, like rugs, blan­kets, wool, wood­en toys and bread, are sold in the gift shop to sup­port the oper­a­tion of the muse­um. The mill makes flour for the vil­lage’s use. This is fas­ci­nat­ing. I’ve always won­dered what it would be like to work as a muse­um docent. How would it feel at the end of the work day when they move to a dif­fer­ent way of life?


Any­way, I digress. Here we’re in the tin­smith’s shop, where the love­ly tin ceil­ing pieces come from.


 Gor­geous wallpaper.


The print­er’s office, Mike’s favourite place.


I love old windows.


We took a lunch break at the Half Way House, with yam chips, and beer brewed on site :D


 Then we went to the dress­mak­er of the village.


 She demon­strat­ed the sewing machine, but the nee­dle was out. It stitch­es side­ways. I like how small and sim­ple it is. 


 We then went to the weaver’s. Rug woven with wool and strips of fabric.


Chat­ted with a cow. Good times.


Some wasps made them­selves a home.


Flow­ers from the garden.


Hope your week­end was won­der­ful! :D Have a great start to the week! 


2 thoughts on “anniversary village tour :D

  1. What a nice way to cel­e­brate your anniver­sary! Ours is on July 29th; my hus­band’s birth­day is on the 28th :-).

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