sky sweater update and party idea

Sky sweater is three-quar­ter of the way done. First sliv­er of blue sky in over a week. Just hop­ing that elec­tric­i­ty and heat will come back on for the parts of the world that’s been affect­ed by the hur­ri­cane, and that every­one will be warm and safe.

And a fab­u­lous small cro­chet project I came across recent­ly — minia­ture cro­cheted desserts! Thought it might be an idea for the upcom­ing craft-along par­ty :D The pat­tern is in Dutch, but the writer has gen­er­ous­ly pro­vid­ed a link to an Eng­lish ver­sion. If you scroll down to the bot­tom of the post you will find oth­er kinds of dessert pat­terns too! All very cute.

Bye for now, more par­ty ideas com­ing soon! 

Take care!




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