long week

It was a real­ly long and busy week last week, in the process of get­ting every­thing done before the hol­i­day season.

I got home after a very long day, and I made something.

coral necklace 2


Corals! Here’s a clos­er look.

coral necklace 1



Actu­al­ly, this idea came to me when I was trav­el­ling home on the bus and I felt that I would feel much bet­ter and more ener­gized if I can just make it. I basi­cal­ly cro­cheted a tube, and cro­cheted corals on the tube all around. I then thread­ed the chain through the tube to make a necklace.

There’s some­thing very med­i­ta­tive about cro­chet­ing corals.

I’ve had a good week­end after the long week, enjoy­ing some Christ­mas fes­tiv­i­ties (pho­tos to come!). Every­thing is wind­ing down this week, get­ting ready for the hol­i­days :D

Hope your week is filled with things that nour­ish you.





2 thoughts on “long week

  1. Beau­ti­ful!!! I love e col­ors, they remind me of a gen­tle coral reef or sea glass. Hap­py Holidays!!!

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