Christmas market :D




Last week we went to the annu­al Christ­mas Mar­ket at the Dis­tillery Dis­trict :D It was such a fes­tive place, with car­ol­ers singing and lights every­where and a mag­nif­i­cent Christ­mas tree.

What real­ly made my day though was this extra­or­di­nary instal­la­tion in the build­ing where all the artist stu­dios are. 




It’s built upon what I believe to be a con­vey­or mech­a­nism (for send­ing down bot­tles and box­es when the build­ing func­tioned as a dis­tillery, per­haps). There were spools of thread in the mid­dle, con­nect­ed to felt nests with cro­chet-cov­ered rocks inside!



 They were just precious.




And cheer­ful buntings made of dif­fer­ent kinds of fab­ric too!




I think I will attempt the cro­chet-cov­ered rocks in the new year (here’s a free pat­tern from the Purl Bee if you’d like to give it a try too!).

Wish­ing you a love­ly Sun­day :D




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