happily crocheting along :D

crochet along

So grate­ful that my blog­ging friend Amy has invit­ed to the cro­chet-along at the yarn shop she works at! :D I don’t think I’ve had that much fun for a long time, chat­ting about every­thing from bacon to sweet gum trees and the struc­ture and weight of yarn… laugh­ing and learn­ing (I’ve nev­er heard of sweet gum trees, and have been mak­ing sweaters that look odd nev­er real­iz­ing that the odd­ness is caused by a mis­matched fiber sub­sti­tu­tion!) while get­ting lots done on my project :D Such a won­der­ful, warm, friend­ly and fun­ny group of peo­ple! And as some­one whose main line of work at the moment is to run expres­sive arts groups, it’s just REALLY nice to be a par­tic­i­pant once in a while rather than a facilitator. 

And I even got a tour of the yarn shop, it’s real­ly an AMAZING yarn shop! I wish I live right next to it. I’d just go and hang out there. Amongst the yarn. And feel­ing bliss­ful. It’s not just the rows and rows of colour-coor­di­nat­ed yarn of all sorts of weight and fiber and brands, but there’s so much love poured into tak­ing care of the yarn and mak­ing it a wel­com­ing, cre­ative place for vis­i­tors. The staff are so knowl­edge­able! They even have but­tons! But­tons! SO! If you’re ever in St. Louis, be sure to check out Kni­to­ri­ous! :D And if you can’t get to St. Louis for a while, check out Amy’s blog instead, it’s hilar­i­ous with lots of crafty good­ness, always makes me smile :D

Oh yes, this is what we’re work­ing on…


The swing jack­et from the 2013 issue of Vogue cro­chet! :D 

I think I want to pair it with a green dress and wear­ing it to a wed­ding in August. Maybe I’ll have a sewing project com­ing up next…

Will keep you post­ed! :D Wish­ing you a won­der­ful week­end full of cre­ative goodness! 


5 thoughts on “happily crocheting along :D

  1. haha­ha! such impor­tant fact i for­got to men­tion — i was join­ing via Skype!! sil­ly me. i did make it sound like i was phys­i­cal­ly there did­n’t i? i was on a com­put­er screen sit­ting in a cir­cle with every­one, it was real­ly cool! :D

  2. Every­one enjoyed hav­ing you with us for the CAL!! And who knows what we’ll talk about THIS week! LOL And yes, the shop is quite homey and addictive!

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