levitating like it’s 1920

peculiar me in 1920


I came across this book in the book­store ear­li­er in the week — a pecu­liar lev­i­tat­ing child on the cov­er! I would have loved to read it when I was in my pre­teen years. I was real­ly into haunt­ed sto­ries and such. But I’ve got­ten more and more wimpy as I age, and I shy away from books like this lest it gives me night­mares. But it gave me an idea for a lev­i­ta­tion pho­to, as we were going to a Gats­by-themed gar­den par­ty this week­end at the Spad­i­na Muse­um, and I thought it might be fun­ny tak­ing a sim­i­lar­ly pecu­liar pho­to at a his­toric gar­den dressed in cos­tume :D

Here’s a more cheer­ful ver­sion. The ros­es are gorgeous!

cheerful 1


Anoth­er cheer­ful version.

cheerful 2


Cheer­ful guest appear­ance by Mike :D (he nev­er thinks what I do is too sil­ly for him to join in. Isn’t he the most awesome?)

cheerful 3


We were look­ing for­ward to this ever since we heard about it weeks ago and were excit­ed­ly prepar­ing our cos­tumes :D Mike bought sus­penders and a bow tie, and I bought a dress from the thrift store and made a hat from this pat­tern. I real­ly liked the flower pat­tern on the crown.

party hat


 Peo­ple come with such beau­ti­ful costumes!

party guests


There was a live band (note the musi­cian play­ing the wash­board! :D)

party band


Mike in 1920.

mike in 1920


Sun­shine cro­quet :D

sunshine croquet


Mike joined in the danc­ing :D

party dance


I loved the beau­ti­ful plants inside and out­side the house.

green house


spadina house


We had the most excel­lent time (and lots of pink lemon­ade) :D

Hope you have an awe­some week!


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