thomas takes san francisco

I usu­al­ly don’t like mak­ing imi­ta­tions of well-known car­toon char­ac­ters for fears of infring­ing copy­right laws, but this young friend of mine absolute­ly LOVES Thomas the Tank Engine and I want­ed to make him a present for his 3rd birthday. I don’t think he would be at all impressed if I made him any­thing else.

So I made these Thomas mit­tens, using the mit­ten pat­tern from Lion Brand Yarn. He’s pos­ing here in front of this pho­to we have of San Francisco.



He’s got sort of a crazed look on its face but I’m actu­al­ly quite proud of it. I man­aged to incor­po­rate a pop­corn stitch for the nose rather than mak­ing it sep­a­rate­ly and sewing it on.


The face took a lot of work, so for the sec­ond mit­ten instead of mak­ing anoth­er face I decid­ed to sew on the num­ber 1 instead, which is Thomas’ train number.

After open­ing the gift and exclaim­ing “It’s Thomas!” my young friend ran around the room while hug­ging the mit­tens. I think he likes them :)


Have a splen­did day, every­one! :D




2 thoughts on “thomas takes san francisco

  1. Hi Trish,
    Con­grats, the lit­tle mit­tens are great. Thanks for all your inspir­ing ideas dur­ing the year.

    Wish­ing you a very Hap­py Christ­mas and a Healthy 2014 from Dublin, Ireland.


  2. hi Sheila! thank you so much for vis­it­ing and your sweet com­ments over the year! may your Christ­mas and new year be filled with peace and much happiness!

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