blue moss

Photo 3-12-2014, 11 01 49 PM

I was hop­ing to make a cozy sweater for the win­ter, kind of wor­ried for a while that I would­n’t have this done before it’s too warm to wear it. But this morn­ing was a breezy ‑27 ℃. So I still got to wear it in the mid­dle of March!

Work­ing on this sweater kept me steady for the past month. Some­thing to look for­ward to at the end of the day, even if I just got to knit a few rows before going to bed.

I fol­lowed this pat­tern, but used moss stitch through­out instead of the garter stitch in the pat­tern. Although garter stitch would look nice too, I might make anoth­er sweater with it. I also used worsted instead chunky weight yarn and 7mm nee­dles instead of 10mm, so my sweater turned out quite a bit small­er than what it’s sup­posed to, but it fits.

Have a hap­py Friday!


4 thoughts on “blue moss

  1. Hi Trish!

    I love your sweater, it looks great on you! I love it so much that I’ve had it book­marked since you post­ed this, and I’m final­ly embark­ing on a shame­less copy of this. How­ev­er, could you advise a lit­tle on the making?
    ‑I’m ter­ri­bly con­fused about moss stitch vs. seed stitch and since you’re in Cana­da, not sure which ter­mi­nol­o­gy you use — I just like the way your stitch­es turned out. Is it k2p2(2 rows) p2k2(2 rows)?
    ‑Also I’m going to bold­ly assume you knit this in the round, in which case, does the pat­tern change for flat vs. round?
    ‑One last ques­tion, any advice on cast on meth­ods? I’m won­der­ing if some kind of stretchy CO for the col­lar would be best.

    Thanks very much if you can give me any advice!

  2. hi lau­ra! i’m glad you like the moss stitch for this sweater too! 

    i thought moss st and seed st are the same… but i could be wrong :S what i did was k1p1 for one row and then reverse for the fol­low­ing row, so where there is a knit stitch i would purl, and vice versa. 

    i knit­ted every piece flat and then seamed them togeth­er — i’m not good at knit­ting in the round.

    i usu­al­ly use long tail cast on, which is a bit stretchy, and the sweater is knit­ted from the bot­tom up. the col­lar is made by pick­ing up stitch­es around the neck­line and then doing a k1p1 rib­bing, and then bind­ing off loose­ly using a method that i usu­al­ly use (, but there are meth­ods that pro­duce stretch­i­er edges (

    hope this helps! hap­py knit­ting! :D

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