all in a day’s work

We had a very busy Sat­ur­day a week ago, but all fun! It was a fam­i­ly friend’s wed­ding, and so I made an update to this dress I made a cou­ple of years ago with this cro­chet col­lar pat­tern. Was hav­ing far too much fun and for­got to take a prop­er pic­ture of it, good thing there was this fun pho­to booth at the wed­ding! This pic­ture cap­tured a pret­ty good look at the col­lar, and us with classy glasses.


Can’t see it well in the pic­ture, but I sewed a pearly but­ton in the centre.

AND! In between cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion we got to go to the Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies first ever stu­dio open house!!! It’s an excel­lent crime mys­tery show set in turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry Toron­to, you can watch some of its videos here :D My sis­ter, Mike and I have been fans of the show since its ear­ly sea­sons, so it was a super excit­ing occa­sion. And we were already dressed up for the wed­ding, per­fect for pic­ture-tak­ing :D

Here’s a bet­ter look at the dress, in front of sta­tion house #4, where Detec­tive Mur­doch and his awe­some col­leagues work.

collar 2

Here we are in the city morgue, putting our brains togeth­er, with oth­er brains.

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Anoth­er look at the morgue…

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Grue­some props…

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Next, we toured the sta­tion house…

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And got an offi­cial fan­cy-hat por­trait tak­en at Detec­tive Mur­doch’s desk :D art-direct­ed by the hus­band of Mau­reen Jen­nings, author of Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies the book series.

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More scenes on the metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed set, includ­ing the elec­tric car, inven­tion of one of the char­ac­ters in the show.

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Solv­ing mys­ter­ies! Refash­ion­ing dress! Goof­ing around at wed­ding! All in a day’s work :D

Wish­ing you a joy-filled week!



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