let’s make tiny donuts! :D

And the tiny donut par­ty con­tin­ues! *throws glitter*Photo 2015-04-04, 11 47 19 AM
Before dig­ging our hands into yarn and mak­ing more donuts, we need to pick a win­ner for the giveaway!I used this sim­ple ran­dom name-pick­er tool. And the win­ner is…


DARLENE!!! Con­grat­u­la­tions!!! :D *throws more glitter*

(Now we all got­ta imag­ine our­selves all glit­tery from head to toe, ’tis how a vir­tu­al par­ty works, except we’re not real­ly cov­ered in glit­ter and we don’t have to spend hours wash­ing it out of our hair only to find more glit­ter on us weeks lat­er — ’tis the beau­ty of vir­tu­al par­ty :D and if you’re receiv­ing this post by email you might want to click on to the actu­al blog so you can get more of the glit­ter expe­ri­ence ;) any­way, I digress)

Dar­lene please send me an email at genuinemudpie(at)gmail(dot)com, let­ting me know which 3 donuts you want and your mail­ing address :)

Thank you every­one for par­tic­i­pat­ing, and leav­ing all the won­der­ful com­ments about this blog (and donuts!)! It means the world to me that you’re enjoy­ing read­ing about my crafty adven­tures! I look for­ward to shar­ing more crafti­ness with you! :D

And now, we make more tiny donuts! :D

This is actu­al­ly more like a recipe than a pat­tern. My donut turns out to be just shy of an inch across. You can make it small­er or larg­er by using a lighter (fin­ger­ing, embroi­der thread?) or heav­ier (worsted) yarn, and chang­ing hook size accord­ing­ly (2mm for fin­er yarn and 3.5mm for worsted, for exam­ple). You can also make a larg­er donut by increas­ing the num­ber of begin­ning ch by mul­ti­ples of 2, and repeat­ing row 3 a cou­ple of times (more about that in the recipe below). I would­n’t start with few­er stitch­es than what the “recipe” calls for though, it can be real­ly tricky to man­age such small num­ber of stitches.

I ini­tial­ly devel­oped this recipe to make donut ear­rings for my shop. It took a few attempts to get the size right and the icing look­ing the way I want­ed. I think I’ve per­fect­ed the recipe now :) AND!! The entire donut is only made of 5 rows! You can make an army of them in an evening :D

I used:

Small amount of sport weight yarn in donut and icing colours (tan, brown, pink, yel­low, white, etc.)

Embroi­dery thread in sprin­kle colours

3mm hook, 2.5mm hook or small­er (for pulling in ends)

Nee­dles for sewing and embroidering


Round 1: With donut colour (i.e. tan), ch 8, join with first ch to form ring.

NOTE: The side that is fac­ing you (i.e. the front of the work) is the INSIDE of the donut. For the first 3 rounds you’re work­ing with the inside of the donut fac­ing you. So the back of the work is the out­side of the donut.

Here I have fin­ished the first 3 rounds of the donut, cro­chet­ing with the inside fac­ing me.

Photo 2015-04-11, 10 57 57 AM

Here is what the out­side of the donut looks like after the first 3 rounds.

Photo 2015-04-11, 11 00 27 AM

Round 2: ch 1 (does not count as a stitch), sc in first ch, 2 sc in next ch, [sc in next ch, 2 sc in next ch] around, sl st in first sc to join (12 sc).

Round 3: ch 1, sc in each sc around, sl st in first sc to join (12 sc).

NOTE: If you’re­mak­ing a larg­er donut and start­ed with a few more begin­ning ch’s, you can repeat round 3 one or two more times.

Round 4: Attach icing colour, fas­ten off donut colour. TURN (now you’re work­ing with the out­side of the donut fac­ing you), ch 1, sl st in each sc around in the front loop only, sl st in first sl st to join (12 sl st). (Be care­ful not to pull too tight while mak­ing the sl st in this round, oth­er­wise the next row would be difficult.)

Here I’m work­ing on found 4, insert­ing my hook in the front loop of a stitch.

Photo 2015-04-11, 11 05 21 AM

NOTE: If you’re­mak­ing a larg­er donut and start­ed with more begin­ning ch’s, you can repeat round 3 one or two more times with icing colour before start­ing round 5.

Round 5: ch 1, TURN (now you’re work­ing with the inside of the donut fac­ing you again), work­ing in the front loop only, sc in first st, 2 sc tog over next 2 st, [sc in next st, 2 sc tog over next 2 st] around, sl st in first sc to join (8 sc), leav­ing a long tail for sewing, fas­ten off.

Sew the final icing round to the first donut round using whip stitch, match­ing the stitches.

Photo 2015-04-11, 11 23 19 AM

I find it real­ly dif­fi­cult to sew the donut togeth­er with stuff­ing inside, and because the donut is so tiny I don’t feel it needs stuff­ing. I just pull all the yarn ends into the donut with a cro­chet hook after it’s sewn together.

Embroi­der sprin­kles to your heart’s content :)

Pull all yarn ends and thread ends into the inside of the donut with a small cro­chet hook.

And here we have it, a tiny donut! :D

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 49 01 AM


If you’re mak­ing these donuts, let me know what flavours you’re mak­ing, I’d love to see them! :D

Hope you have a won­der­ful­ly sparkling week­end! :D *throws glitter*


21 thoughts on “let’s make tiny donuts! :D

  1. I have a ques­tion about the pat­tern, when you say “TURN” in the pat­tern is that turn the work inside out or turn and start work­ing the round in the oppo­site direction?

  2. Trish,
    Whoo-hoo!! I am so hap­py to have won!!! Thank you ever so much for your gen­eros­i­ty in offer­ing this give-away. It real­ly has made my day!!! –Dar­lene

  3. Hi, I’m rel­a­tive­ly new to cro­chet and have no clue on embroi­dery. Would you have any rec­om­men­da­tions on where I can learn some quick tips on embroi­dery for the sprin­kles? And also, how did you do the kind of star shaped design on the blue icing donut in the first pho­to? Thanks!

  4. I love your tiny donuts recipe! Made some for ear­rings as gifts and for myself. But I’m run­ning out of peo­ple yo give them too. Want­ed to see if it would be alright with you if I tried sell­ing some and share the joy­of tiny donuts. I know some peo­ple don’t like any­one sell­ing things made from their pat­terns and oth­ers don’t mind as long as you cred­it them­for the pat­tern and only sell fin­ished prod­ucts. It’s fine if you don’t approve, it nev­er hurts to ask and bet­ter to play it safe. Thank you for mak­ing such an awe­some pattern!

  5. Hi Hele­na, so glad you like the pat­tern and thank you for giv­ing it a try! Yes you can sell prod­ucts made from the pat­tern as long as you cred­it my blog. All the best and hap­py crocheting!

  6. Thank you!! I’ll def­i­nite­ly be sure to cred­it you. Time to make some donuts!

  7. Hi! Since MY name is DARLENE too, I nat­u­ral­ly thought I had won 3 tiny donuts. I was becom­ing so excit­ed about it since I love Pusheen and had seen this pat­tern and so want­ed to make her. I also want to know if you have any oth­er Pusheen pat­terns as well?
    I real­ized I was­n’t the “Dar­lene” who had won the tiny donuts, but I still am very excit­ed about the Pusheen pattern!

  8. Thanks Dar­lene! I wish you saw this post when the give­away hap­pened! I hope you have fun mak­ing the tiny donuts nonethe­less. Are you refer­ring to the loom-knit­ted cat pil­low? It’s my only cat pat­tern I believe. But if I think of more cat things to make I’ll be sure to post. Thank you for visiting!

  9. Thanks a lot, Trish for the pat­tern! I am mak­ing a mini pusheen with a donut and this helped me a lot!!

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